Spider-Man, in case you've forgotten, has the powers and proportional strength of a spider. The Enforcers are a strongman, a cowboy, and a guy named "Fancy Dan."
Watching Spider-Man fight them is like having your team slowly blow a five point lead. The whole time, you're thinking, "How is this happening?" Spider-Man pulls it out in the end, but the match up is always closer than it should've been.
Sweet scetch (can't spell for shit). We usally have a different fan obsesion (again, can't spell) every month, and this month it's these bad asses! Already bought a volume of sandman comics because one of them had the Enforcers in it. Have you seen the Ultimate one's? Their even more bad ass! Though I give the Ultimate universe for being a piece of shit, poits for making the Enforcers bad ass!